Research & Writing

Creating sustainable and meaningful change through a human-centred approach to social development.

Social development research and writing projects

Compiling of Annual Reports

Success story identification and writing

Research services

This is done by utilising creative thinking and creative methodologies, which allow for better understanding of the challenges faced by beneficiaries.

Designing projects that speak to these needs and challenges, ensures project ownership, and longevity. Considering beneficiaries as co-researchers is an important step in acknowledging the relevance of local knowledge as a means to influence project design.

When stories go untold, important moments are lost. Moments to inspire, to share lessons, to motivate and encourage. Moments to gain supporters and activate fellow change makers.



  • Urban Futures Centre: Narratives of Home and Neighbourhood: Possibilities for Reimagining Urban Planning
  • DNA Economics for the Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation: Impact evaluation
  • Umhlanga UIP: Research paper on social action and inclusion
  • The Development House for USAID Financial Sector Program and CSIR: Finance manual
  • NACOSA: National research project – rapid assessment
  • Tulane University (United States): National research project – Supporting children in bereavement
  • TRIAS South Africa: Research – baseline assessment of business chambers
  • Ebenezer Designs for the eThekwini Municipality: Policy and strategy for vulnerable groups; STEM education


Sharing stories of social change