
Down at Jika Jika Tavern


Student anthropologist, Nonhle Ngubane, is home for the summer holidays. Within a week, the calm is shattered when the unthinkable happens – her father, a game ranger, is arrested for rhino poaching. It’s a crime she believes he’d never commit. Or could he?

As Nonhle struggles to make sense of the accusation, she is blind to the dark plot of revenge unfolding. On a wind-swept mountain, a conflicted traditional healer seeks revenge for the Great Betrayal committed against him. And in the shadows, a slippery rhino poaching boss is expanding his terrible business.

Nonhle wants to help prove her father’s innocence, but she’s out of her depth. Yet, when the evidence against her father starts stacking up, and help is too slow for her liking, she knows she must act. She takes matters into her own hands, and unwittingly sets in motion a chain of events. Events that find her fighting for her father’s innocence, but also, for her life.

Down at Jika Jika Tavern is available to buy in South Africa only. For international orders, please purchase using the Amazon buttons below.

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